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If you’re looking for a way to speed up innovation, move ideas to action or solve important problems for your company, look no further.
Build and run explorations to move from idea to action using AI-driven workflows from Ritual.
Companies like Amazon, Volvo, McDonald’s and others have used game-changing practices to innovate faster and smarter.
Now these practices are available for any team in any company through Ritual.
Our workflows simplify the process of defining problem statements, sourcing key questions, developing answers, and crafting recommendations. By incorporating AI at every step, our platform enhances your team's strategic thinking and ensures no crucial steps are overlooked.
Key Features of Ritual:
Define Problems: Quickly and accurately craft problem statements for current challenges
Source Key Input: Identify and explore key questions related to promising ideas, important projects, or company initiatives.
Build Explorations: Organize explorations based on key matters and questions.
Run Explorations: Develop answers that inform recommendations and strategy.
Simplify Content Preparation: Utilize content from explorations to prepare recommendations, narratives, or FAQs for meetings and milestones.
Our workflow breaks down problem solving into atomic steps, and embeds AI at every step.
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